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Welcome to

COMMUNITY     Church

10:30 AM

Mount Vernon Community Church – Black’s Chapel strives to be a loving family of believers who welcome people into our community of faith. Our passion is to go and share the “Good News” as taught in Scripture to grow God’s kingdom. We believe that praising God through prayer, worship, song, and being the “hands and feet” of our Lord Jesus Christ will enrich our lives as each discovers their purpose. We will use our strengths to make connections with people so we can share God’s love with families in need of hope, faith, and acceptance. Adopted October 18, 2017


What Kind of Tater Are You?

Pastor Troy DeKemper

Check out a sermon from our new pastor, Troy Dekemper. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will come worship with us this Sunday.

Bible open to a page


At Mount Vernon Community Church, we love to spend time in fellowship together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Check out our upcoming events and join us!


Drive-thru live
nativity between
5-7:30 PM


Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 9 PM


New Year's Eve Game Night
at 6 PM

Join Us For Worship

Service Begins at 10:30 AM

All are invited to attend worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM. When you arrive, feel free to grab a bulletin and visit the snack table where we have coffee, hot and iced tea, and some yummy snacks. If you are unable to attend face-to-face, the worship service is recorded live via Facebook and remains in the feed for future access.

Worship the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. 

Psalm 100:2-3 NIV

Mount Vernon

1800 W 4th Street

Mount Vernon, IN 47620

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